5 Great Reasons to Give Integrative Healthcare a Look

September 26, 2024

We have an old adage in English that says, 'there is more than one way to skin a cat'. Similarly, there is more than one way to approach healthcare. An approach we are incredibly enthusiastic about here at KindlyMD is known as integrative healthcare. We think it is something everyone should at least take a good look at.

Integrative healthcare is a different way to look at providing care for patients. It is considered a comprehensive approach to medicine, an approach that seeks to combine conventional treatments with complementary therapies. Complementary therapies tend to be evidence-based.

The nice thing about integrative healthcare is that it isn't limited to only a few medical conditions and diseases. It is an approach to healthcare that can be applied in nearly every situation.

Have you looked into integrative healthcare? If not, here are five great reasons to do so:

1. It Is Holistic in Nature

Integrative healthcare is holistic by its nature. The holistic concept revolves around treating the patient as a whole person rather than just focusing on a particular illness or medical condition. Holistic treatments are rooted in the understanding that people are more than just their physical bodies.

An integrative approach aims to treat the mind, body, and spirit together. It resists the temptation of focusing only on symptoms. The end result is a more comprehensive care plan that hopefully results in a better outcome.

2. Access to Multiple Treatments

Because integrative healthcare is holistic, providers are more likely to recommend a combination of treatments and therapies. Here at KindlyMD, we might recommend a combination of plant-based medicines, mental health counseling, and physical therapy to manage chronic pain. We believe that combining all three gives the patient the greatest chances of experiencing maximum pain relief.

3. It Is Patient-Centric

Our favorite aspect to integrative healthcare is the fact that it is patient centric. The KindlyMD philosophy says that patients should always be in control. They should always have the final say in the treatments and therapies they utilize. But it is more than that.

Integrative medicine dictates that a patient's thoughts, emotions, and opinions have value. They need to be considered whenever decisions are being made. The end goal of applying a patient-centric approach is ensuring that the patient participates in their own care. When that happens, outcomes tend to be better.

4. Complementary Therapies Are Welcome

Complementary therapies are a big part of integrative healthcare. Moreover, they are not frowned upon or considered last-ditch efforts to make a patient happy. Complementary therapies are actually welcome in an integrative environment.

Integrative healthcare emphasizes the use of evidence-based complementary treatments. However, there remains some disagreement within integrative circles about what constitutes evidence. The most sensible approach combines both clinical and anecdotal evidence for a more complete picture of a complementary therapy's usefulness.

5. It Is a Collaborative Effort

Last but not least, integrative healthcare is collaborative. It doesn't rely on a single provider taking on full responsibility for patient care. More often than not, integrative care is provided by teams that include doctors, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses, therapists, and a variety of specialists. They are all aided by support staff capable of contributing their own knowledge and skills.

There is more than one way to provide healthcare services to patients. Both clinicians and patients have their preferences. But based on our experience, integrative healthcare tops the list. An integrative approach looks to combine every available resource with a team effort to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.

By KindlyMD
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