Is a Medical Card a Good Option for You?

April 28, 2023
Is a Medical Card a Good Option for You

KindlyMD is one of the largest Qualified Medical Provider (QMP) specialty groups in Utah. We work with patients to help them get their Medical Cards and keep them active. We top it all off with the education our patients need to get the most out of their cards and the plant-based medicines the cards give them access to.

With all that said, here is the question of the day: is a Medical Card a good option for you? Maybe. It is not possible to make a blanket statement in a post like this simply because every patient's circumstances are different. But the fact that Medical Cards and plant-based medicines have already helped so many of our patients suggests that the possibility of getting your own card is at least worth investigating.

Access to Certain Medicines

Also known as a “Med Card” for short, a Medical Card in Utah gives patients access to certain plant-based medicines that would otherwise be off-limits. As specialists in pain management, KindlyMD medical providers know first-hand that plant-based medicines play a vital role in treating chronic pain.

Traditional pain medications are still the number one choice among physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners. But it is clear that traditional medications don't always work. In many cases, patients are wary of taking such medications due to the potential risks. That's where alternative, plant-based options come into play.

History is replete with examples of plant-based medicines providing relief. Plant-based medicines existed long before modern pharmacology. Unfortunately, we tend to not give them their due in this day and age. But things are changing. Thanks to emerging attitudes among both patients and the medical industry, plant-based medicine has gained wide acceptance across the US and many other places around the world.

Alternative Medications for Your Pain

Obtaining a Medical Card would open the door to alternative medications that might do a better job of helping you manage your pain. What are those alternative medications? It is not appropriate to get into the details in a blog post of this nature. However, we would be more than happy to discuss them with you when you visit one of our offices.

If one of our medical providers determines you're a candidate for a Medical Card, we'll help you get one. Our staff is fully versed in how the application process works, and we’ll be happy to walk you through it. We’ll explain what you need to do while we do our part in certifying you. Your first Medical Card will be active for six months, and the application process typically takes very little time.

Valid Reasons to Consider Getting a Card

Fairness dictates that we acknowledge Medical Cards are not the best option for every patient. In fact, only certain types of patients with certain medical conditions can apply for Med Cards. If you suffer from chronic pain, you almost certainly will qualify.

Is it a good option for you? Here are some of the reasons we recommend investigating the possibility:

  • You have tried traditional therapies and not found satisfactory relief
  • You are looking to cut back on the traditional medications you currently use
  • You are uneasy about using other medications traditionally prescribed for your condition.

Getting your Medical Card could turn out to be the best opportunity for finding the pain relief you're looking for. As a pain management clinic, helping you find relief is our number one priority. That might mean obtaining a Medical Card in your case. If you would like to know more, make an appointment to see one of our QMPs.

By KindlyMD
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