5 More Things About Chronic Pain Most People Do Not Know

June 9, 2023
5 More Things About Chronic Pain Most People Do Not Know

We recently published a post discussing five things about chronic pain most people don't know. We couldn't discuss everything we wanted to in that post, so we decided to publish a follow-up. We hope you get a better understanding of chronic pain after reading them.

Below are five more things about chronic pain you might not be aware of. As you read, remember that KindlyMD exists to help Utah pain patients feel better. We offer tailored treatments, plant-based medicines, help to obtain a Utah medical card, and additional services. You can contact us at any time to make an appointment at one of our clinics.

With the preliminaries out of the way, here are five more things about chronic pain most people do not know:

1. Chronic Pain Can Be Felt Anywhere in the Body

Given that pain is almost always a symptom of another condition, it is not limited to specific parts of the body. It can be felt anywhere. Even more interesting is the fact that some types of pain can be felt in one part of the body while the root cause is found elsewhere.

Take sciatica. It occurs when a nerve in the lower back is pinched. A patient can feel sciatica pain through the hip and all the way down the leg. Hip and leg pain can be felt even if there is no sensation of pain in the patient's back.

2. The Number of Causes Is Nearly Limitless

Unfortunately, the number of possible causes of chronic pain is nearly limitless. Nerve damage can cause neuropathic pain that lasts a lifetime. Arthritis can cause pain in the joints. Fibromyalgia can cause body-wide pain that never goes away. The list goes on and on. Hopefully, you get the point.

3. Chronic Pain Impacts Quality of Life

This next point is one that many people who have never experienced chronic pain have trouble wrapping the brains around: chronic pain affects quality of life. For starters, trying to maintain a normal routine when pain is always present is challenging – even on the best days.

Just getting through the day can be hard enough. And when this is the case, patients have a tendency to limit their activities. They stop doing the things they love. They stop spending time with friends and family. They might not get out of the house very often. Losing such things can ultimately lead to depression or other mental health concerns.

4. The Treatments Are Many and Varied

Possible treatments for chronic pain are many and varied. Doctors will consider the root causes, the severity of the pain, how often the pain is experienced, and other factors when treating a patient. Treatment options run the gamut from prescription medications to physical therapy to plant-based medicines.

5. A Cure Is Not Always Possible

A general rule says that pain must persist for at least three months to be considered chronic. This further suggests that some cases of chronic pain can be cured along with the underlying condition. Unfortunately, a cure is not always possible. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, for example. Fibromyalgia pain can be managed for the most part, but it never fully goes away.

Chronic pain is a complex condition, to say the least. We are here to help you find relief if you live in Utah and traditional treatments haven't helped you. Contact us to learn more about services related to plant-based medicine and Utah Medical Cards. Our number one priority is helping you feel better in a safe and manageable way.

By KindlyMD
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