Getting Your Medical Card Through a QMP Specialty Group

September 12, 2023

We all want to live the best lives we possibly can, right? Absolutely. That is one of the reasons we avail ourselves of healthcare services. It is why people dealing with things like chronic pain and PTSD seek out specialists. That being the case, we encourage patients looking for a Utah Medical Card to work through a QMP specialty group to get it.

KindlyMD is the largest QMP specialty group in Utah. We have clinics in cities throughout northern Utah. Each one is staffed by caring and compassionate professionals who guide each patient through the Medical Card application and approval process. If you are looking to get your Medical Card, we can help.

QMPs Are Licensed in Utah

State law allows most medical providers with prescribing authority to help patients obtain their Medical Cards. But QMPs are a bit different. We are licensed by the state to offer Medical Card services, giving us the legal authority to serve more patients in a given year. Not only that, obtaining a state license requires some continuing education.

A specialty group like ours invests a lot of time, money, and resources in making sure our staff are always up to date on all things Medical Card related. We make it our business to thoroughly know and understand all the relevant information so that we can work with you as your Medical Card advocate of sorts.

Caring and Compassionate Help

We think you will find that QMP specialty groups – and KindlyMD, in particular – offer caring and compassionate assistance to patients struggling with a variety of qualifying conditions. We believe compassion and supportive care are critical to helping patients lead their best lives.

We understand where you are coming from. While we cannot know the particulars of your condition without seeing you first, we do know that many of the conditions on the state's qualifying list can be very difficult to live with. Some can be debilitating even if the patient is taking advantage of the best care available.

Our main task as a caring and compassionate QMP specialty group is to work with each patient to explore all the treatment options for the sole purpose of discovering the best one. If a Utah Medical Card is the best choice for you, we can help you obtain it.

Who the Medical Card Is For

The Utah Medical Card is a state-issued card that gives patients access to certain plant-based medicines that are otherwise unavailable without. The medicines are an alternative to more traditional treatments you might have access to through your GP or family doctor.

Take note of the fact that the Medical Card isn't for everyone. More importantly, not everyone is eligible to get one. The Medical Card is for patients diagnosed with one of the qualifying conditions on the state list. In addition, a patient's medical provider must agree that plant-based medicines are an appropriate treatment for that individual.

Make an Appointment to Get Started

Perhaps you are intrigued by what you've read in this post. You are thinking that a Medical Card might be right for you but are not sure what to do next. We make it easy. Getting started on your own Medical Card journey begins with making an appointment at any one of our clinics in Utah.

As the state's largest QMP specialty group, we make it our mission to help patients obtain Utah Medical Cards for access to plant-based medicines. We are also here to answer your questions, recommend other treatments, and medically assist you with whatever conditions you are dealing with. We believe you can feel better. You deserve that much.

By KindlyMD
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