More Than Checkups and Prescriptions: What That Means

July 30, 2024

KindlyMD is known throughout Utah for complete care. In addition to helping patients obtain and renew Medical Cards, we also offer services related to pain management, mental health, behavioral health, and sleep support. We like to say that we offer more than checkups and prescriptions.

In fact, you will see that exact phrase on the homepage of our website. But what does it really mean? After all, aren't checkups and prescriptions what modern medicine is all about? We will leave that for you to decide. Here at KindlyMD though, we believe there is a whole lot more to good health and overall wellbeing.

Those Things Are Necessary

Checkups and prescriptions are both necessary. They are an integral part of medicine we cannot ignore. But if a healthcare provider stops there, are patients being cared for properly? We don't think so. That's why we have adopted the complete care model. Our goal is to go beyond checkups and prescriptions. Not only that, but we also want to continue providing complete care for as long as our patients want to work with us.

Specifically where Medical Cards are concerned, one of the most important services we provide is medication management. The Utah Medical Card opens the door to plant-based medicines you will not find at the corner pharmacy. Those medicines can interact with other prescription medications in ways that are not necessarily good. Medication management seeks to minimize negative interactions.

In addition, some plant-based medicines could render a patient's prescription medications less effective and vice versa. By helping patients manage their medications, we ensure that all the medications combined are doing what they are supposed to do.

Mental and Behavioral Health

The idea of going beyond checkups and prescriptions even applies to the plant-based medicines we recommend. We don't go into a new patient relationship planning to help that person obtain a Medical Card and then watch him go out the door, never to be seen again.

It is not unusual for Medical Card patients to be dealing with multiple things. And in many cases, mental and behavioral health services can help tremendously. If we can combine the right services with the patient's plant-based medicines, that patient could very well end up feeling better than he has in years.

There Is More to Disease Than Symptoms

Basing patient care exclusively on checkups and prescriptions limits a healthcare provider's perspective to mere symptoms. But any disease or health condition is more than its symptoms. Symptoms are just an outward display of something going wrong internally. If we focus only on the symptoms while ignoring the root of the problem, we are not really treating a patient effectively.

This is the primary reason we believe complete care is a better approach. We believe patients deserve every option possible. We believe in giving them access to a range of therapies and treatments that can collectively improve the whole person rather than just mitigating symptoms.

Patients Should Be in Control

The crown jewel of our complete care approach, if you will, is our earnest desire that patients should always be in control. At KindlyMD, you are not just another person who knows little to nothing about human biology. You are not expected to be quiet and listen to what we say. You know your health better than anyone. We believe you should be the one who decides how you are treated.

There is so much more we could say on this topic, but space will not allow. So let us leave you with this thought: if you want more from healthcare than a checkup and some prescriptions, consider a visit to KindlyMD.

By KindlyMD
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