NEW LOW PRICE: New & Renewal Medical Cards now $149

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Your answers indicate that one or more KindlyMD™️ services may be right for you. Hit the orange Schedule Now button above or call 801-851-5554 for more details. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between KindlyMD and a traditional pain or medication management clinic?

At KindlyMD, we understand that a cold turkey approach to reducing pain medication just doesn’t work, and many times, additional pain relief is needed. In addition to dispensing and helping to reduce prescription drugs, we educate our patients on (and encourage!) alternative, plant-based treatment options throughout the process.

Does KindlyMD take health insurance?

Yes! KindlyMD currently accepts certain Select Health and Medicare plans and are adding health care plans frequently. Please call for details on insurance coverage before making an appointment to ensure that we accept your specific plan.

Can I get all of my medications prescribed through my KindlyMD provider?

We specialize in pain, ADHD, hormone, anxiety, and depression medication, but your provider can discuss additional medication options as needed for your condition.
More FAQs
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