Getting Off Pain Meds With a Utah Medical Card

One of the frequently asked questions we hear a lot is whether a patient can get off pain meds by getting and using a Utah Medical Card. It is asked frequently enough that we felt a post covering the topic would be appropriate. So here we go.

To start with, the types of pain medications we are referring to in this post are narcotic medications. But we don't stop there. Many of our patients are looking to get off antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, and sleeping pills as well. We cannot offer any iron-clad guarantee, but we can offer a bit of hope in plant-based treatments made available through the Utah Medical Card program.

Card Program Basics

Without getting into too much detail here, Utah's medical card program is designed to give people with qualifying conditions access to plant-based treatments they could not otherwise utilize through their GPs, family doctors, etc. The medicines are only accessible with a valid medical card.

Cards are easy enough to get. Patients need only complete an online application, visit a Qualified Medical Provider, and pay a small fee. Cards are good for one year from the date of issue. Near the end of that one-year period, patients can choose to renew or let their cards lapse. Renewal means consulting with a medical provider and paying the annual fee once again.

An Alternative to Other Medications

As for getting off pain meds, plant-based medicines are essentially an alternative. We might help a patient taking narcotic pain medications gradually wean himself of those medications with the help of plant-based treatments. The wonderful thing is that it is sometimes possible to combine plant-based treatments with other alternatives to completely eliminate the need to take prescription medications.

Again, we cannot make any guarantees that plant-based treatments will work. By the same token, clinicians cannot guarantee that traditional treatments will work either. People are different. Patients respond to all sorts of medical treatments in different ways. That is why so much of medicine seems to be trial and error. Clinicians often do not know the best way to treat a condition without trying several things and seeing how the patient responds.

A Cautious and Careful Approach

While we cannot make any ironclad guarantees, we do want to make it clear that we utilize a cautious and careful approach. Many of the prescription medications our patients are looking to wean themselves from cannot be stopped suddenly. Stopping cold turkey could expose a patient to uncomfortable side effects. Instead, it is better to gradually taper the prescription meds while introducing plant-based meds as an alternative.

Over time, and with proper monitoring by a medical provider and pharmacist, it is often possible for patients to completely wean themselves off prescription medications. And even if eliminating a prescription 100% isn't possible, patients are still able to significantly reduce the amount of medication they need to feel better.

Let's Talk About Your Medications

If you are taking prescription medications that you would rather not take and you have been diagnosed with a condition that qualifies for a Utah Medical Card, let's talk about your current treatment. We can go over the medications you use and talk about whether or not plant-based alternatives are appropriate for you.

Getting a Medical Card and using plant-based alternatives could help you to get off pain meds. We can't say for sure in a blog post of this nature, but we can offer you hope by inviting you to visit one of our clinics where you can consult with a KindlyMD provider. This is the first step in getting off those meds you don't like.

Medical Cards Can Be the Key to Patient-Focused Care

There are two angles from which medical providers can approach patient care. The first focuses on the provider, specifically what the provider can offer the patient. The other angle focuses on the actual patient. KindlyMD uses the latter approach. With that approach, we often find that Utah Medical Cards are key to helping patients feel better.

Many of the patients that have turned to KindlyMD for help obtaining their cards suffer from chronic pain. That is expected when you are talking pain clinics and pain management doctors. But we also work with other types of patients. We see patients dealing with PTSD, cancer, nausea, multiple sclerosis, and a variety of other conditions.

Why We Practice Patient-Focused Care

Patient-focused care is extremely important to us. Why? Because it is equally important to patients themselves. When a patient sees a medical provider in hopes of finding relief from chronic pain, the pain is often all that person can think about. For patients like these, pain is an all-encompassing circumstance that dominates life, so focusing on the patient and their need for relief only makes sense.

It is true that healthcare is a business here in the U.S. That's okay, by the way. But any business entity that intends to stick around for the long term needs to focus on meeting the needs of its customers in every possible way. Medicine and healthcare are no different. Healthcare's customer is the patient. Providers need to focus on them just as much as any other industry focuses on its customers.

Medical Cards Play a Role

Patient-focused clinics, like KindlyMD, tend to look for as many alternative treatments as possible. We don't zero-in on a single treatment and recommend it to everyone. That's where Utah Medical Cards come in. The Medical Card plays a key role in many of our treatment recommendations.

If you are not familiar with the Utah Medical Card, it is a state-issued card that gives patients access to plant-based medicines that are otherwise off limits. Plant-based medicines have a long history behind them. They have been an important part of Eastern medicine for as long as history records.

Utah Medical Cards are easy enough to obtain by patients who meet a minimum set of qualifications. But to get a card, you first must visit a medical provider who can certify a recommendation for you. For the record, KindlyMD is the largest QMP group in the state. Our QMPs and staff are intimately familiar with the process for obtaining cards, and we’d be happy to walk through it.

Why a Card Is Key

This post began with the premise that Medical Cards are often key to patient-focused care. Now let us discuss why that is. In a patient-focused mindset, the primary goal is to help the patient feel better. That goal overrides everything else – from billing to coding and keeping insurance companies happy. Utah Medical Cards are all about the patient. They exist for the patient, are obtained by the patient, and designed to give the patient access to more options.

In chronic pain and PTSD situations, it is not unusual for patients to obtain their Medical Cards because no other treatments have provided sufficient relief. It doesn’t make sense to continue pushing treatments that don't work. If a patient isn't feeling any better with traditional medicine, perhaps a Medical Card would be a better option.

There is a lot more about the Medical Card we could discuss. But quite frankly, the discussion is better had between QMP and patient. For now, it is enough to know that the Medical Card is often key to patient-focused care.

How to Get a Medical Card in Utah – It's Not Hard at All

Chronic pain patients in Utah have access to plant-based medicine through state-issued Medical Cards. As the largest QMP specialty group in the Beehive State, we help patients obtain their cards. We are ready and waiting to assist you. If you are asking "how to get a medical card in Utah", we want you to know that getting a card is not as hard as you might think. The process is, in fact, pretty straightforward.

Tens of thousands of Utah residents already have their Medical Cards. There are eligibility requirements, including being diagnosed with a legally recognized qualifying condition. Pain clinic patients generally qualify, given that both chronic and acute pain are on the state list. If you suffer from chronic pain that hasn't been made better through traditional treatments, we invite you to consider getting your Medical Card.

Start the Application Online

Rest assured we can walk you through the entire process of obtaining a Medical Card. It starts with an online application. You visit the state website and create an account. It only takes a couple of minutes to submit the initial information. After that, you make an appointment to see a medical provider.

There are two types of medical providers who can help you obtain a Utah Medical Card. KindlyMD employs Qualified Medical Providers (QMPs) at a number of clinics throughout the state. There are also limited medical providers (LMPs) as well. You can choose either type.

You Undergo a Physical Evaluation

The medical provider's job is to perform a standard medical evaluation. They need to understand your medical condition along with your current health. The evaluation is nothing to be concerned about; it involves a typical exam along with a frank discussion. Following the evaluation, your medical provider completes their part of the application to recommend a Medical Card for you.

During the evaluation, feel free to ask questions about plant-based medicine. Your medical provider should be able to answer them. If you choose KindlyMD, know that we sincerely want you to know everything you can about plant-based medicine in support of your decision. The more you know, the better equipped you are to make the best decision for you.

Finish Up the Application

Following your medical evaluation, the final step is to finish up your application. There is just a little bit more information to submit along with the card fee. Provided you are approved, you will receive your state-issued card shortly thereafter. Just know that Medical Cards in Utah are not paper documents; they are digital documents sent to patients via email.

Once you receive your card via email, you’ll want to print a paper copy. You’ll need to show your card and ID (such as a driver’s license) every time you visit a plant-based medicine pharmacy. Some pharmacies may allow you to show them your card on your smartphone, but it’s a good idea to have a paper copy too, just in case.

As Easy As Possible

We are happy to say that Utah has made the process of applying for a Medical Card as easy as possible. And because they have, tens of thousands of patients now have their cards. In addition, patients expecting to experience acute pain can apply for their cards well in advance. That gives doctors and patients alike access to yet another treatment option.

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Are you scheduled for a medical procedure likely to result in severe acute pain for a limited time? If you answered 'yes' to either question, you may be a candidate for a Utah Medical Card. Feel free to contact KindlyMD to make an appointment to see one of our QMPs. We can walk you through the process step-by-step.

Is a Medical Card a Good Option for You

KindlyMD is one of the largest Qualified Medical Provider (QMP) specialty groups in Utah. We work with patients to help them get their Medical Cards and keep them active. We top it all off with the education our patients need to get the most out of their cards and the plant-based medicines the cards give them access to.

With all that said, here is the question of the day: is a Medical Card a good option for you? Maybe. It is not possible to make a blanket statement in a post like this simply because every patient's circumstances are different. But the fact that Medical Cards and plant-based medicines have already helped so many of our patients suggests that the possibility of getting your own card is at least worth investigating.

Access to Certain Medicines

Also known as a “Med Card” for short, a Medical Card in Utah gives patients access to certain plant-based medicines that would otherwise be off-limits. As specialists in pain management, KindlyMD medical providers know first-hand that plant-based medicines play a vital role in treating chronic pain.

Traditional pain medications are still the number one choice among physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners. But it is clear that traditional medications don't always work. In many cases, patients are wary of taking such medications due to the potential risks. That's where alternative, plant-based options come into play.

History is replete with examples of plant-based medicines providing relief. Plant-based medicines existed long before modern pharmacology. Unfortunately, we tend to not give them their due in this day and age. But things are changing. Thanks to emerging attitudes among both patients and the medical industry, plant-based medicine has gained wide acceptance across the US and many other places around the world.

Alternative Medications for Your Pain

Obtaining a Medical Card would open the door to alternative medications that might do a better job of helping you manage your pain. What are those alternative medications? It is not appropriate to get into the details in a blog post of this nature. However, we would be more than happy to discuss them with you when you visit one of our offices.

If one of our medical providers determines you're a candidate for a Medical Card, we'll help you get one. Our staff is fully versed in how the application process works, and we’ll be happy to walk you through it. We’ll explain what you need to do while we do our part in certifying you. Your first Medical Card will be active for six months, and the application process typically takes very little time.

Valid Reasons to Consider Getting a Card

Fairness dictates that we acknowledge Medical Cards are not the best option for every patient. In fact, only certain types of patients with certain medical conditions can apply for Med Cards. If you suffer from chronic pain, you almost certainly will qualify.

Is it a good option for you? Here are some of the reasons we recommend investigating the possibility:

Getting your Medical Card could turn out to be the best opportunity for finding the pain relief you're looking for. As a pain management clinic, helping you find relief is our number one priority. That might mean obtaining a Medical Card in your case. If you would like to know more, make an appointment to see one of our QMPs.

KindlyMD medical providers work with patients to help them obtain and renew Utah Medical Cards. The role we play here is required by law. In addition, state law also mandates that patients apply for their cards online, through the designated electronic verification system (EVS). So it's online or bust.

Our younger patients usually have little trouble with the EVS. But for some of our older patients, doing things online can be challenging. We’re here to help! KindlyMD team members are very familiar with the EVS and the Medical Card application process. We can walk patients through the whole process, step-by-step.

The 3 Steps to Success

The process of obtaining or renewing a Medical Card in Utah isn't all that complicated and there are just three steps to it. Each one is described below. As you read, note that your first Utah Medical Card is good for six months. After that, you’ll need to speak with a Qualified Medical Provider (QMP) again if you want to continue in the program. The renewed card lasts another six months. After one full year in the program, your QMP will decide if annual renewals are appropriate for you.

Step #1: Initiate the Application Process

The first step is for the patient to initiate the online application process. That's done by visiting the EVS website and creating an account. In order to do so, a patient must already have a digital Utah-ID account. Setting up a Utah-ID account isn't hard either and it only takes a couple of minutes.

To start the application process, the patient creates an EVS account with the same Utah-ID credentials. From the main EVS page, the patient can click on a link to open a new Medical Card application. The patient opens that application and completes their portion.

We created a tutorial to demonstrate these steps in more detail. Click here to watch it.

Step #2: Visit with a Medical Provider

The second step is to visit with a medical provider qualified to make a card recommendation. This can be a state-licensed qualified medical provider (QMP) or what the state refers to as a limited medical provider (LMP). It is the medical provider's responsibility to assess whether a Medical Card is appropriate.

If this is the case, the medical provider will log into the EVS through and submit an official recommendation for you to join the program. Once the recommendation is submitted and received, the patient can complete the third and final step.

Step #3: Complete the Application

Now it's time for the patient to return to the EVS and complete the application process. It is a matter of entering a little more information and submitting payment for the state’s $15 fee. Again, it only takes a few minutes to do. Once the payment is submitted, the patient is considered “active” within the program and receives the card via email. At this point, the state still has 30 days to withdraw the patient’s application, but we’ve never seen that happen.

Click here to watch a tutorial about the payment step.

Simple and Straightforward

The process for obtaining a Utah Medical Card is pretty easy and straightforward. It does have to be done online, but that's not a problem for most of our patients. Applying online streamlines the process and gets Medical Cards in patients' hands faster. Applying online is certainly a lot more efficient than downloading a paper document, filling it out, and sticking it in the mail.

So, what are your thoughts? Do you think an online application system is the best option for the Utah Medical Card program? Have you tried using the EVS yet? And if so, did you find it easy or difficult?

KindlyMD medical providers are here to help you apply for your Medical Card. If you are interested in trying an alternative, plant-based approach to managing your pain, a Utah Medical Card could be your best option. We can help you get one.

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